
MIFA at the CFA Research Challenge

Every year the Faculty of Finance and Accoutning cooperates with the CFA Society Czech Republic and students have a unique chance to take part in the CFA Research Challlenge. We are proud that the MIFA students actively participate in the Challenge and every year they end up on the top three best places. This year […]

MIFA at the CFA Research Challenge

Spring semester registration

Spring semester starts 11.2.2019 – 10.05.2019 Registration of elective courses for spring semester is between the dates 3.1. – 22.1.2019 Please check the available elective courses –here-. All mandatory courses are registered by the coordinator.

Spring semester registration

ONLINE application – OPEN

ONLINE application – OPEN

International & Study Abroad Fair

International & Study Abroad Fair is an event organized by the International Office of the University of Economics, Prague. It helps VSE students to get better awareness of an Exchange programme and provides them with information about our partner universities. The event will be held on Tuesday, November 13th, 2018 in the Atrium RB from […]

International & Study Abroad Fair

MIFA Double Degree selection results

We are happy to announce that the selection of MIFA students for their Double Degree applications were very successful and a total of 5 MIFA students will leave for their Double Degree study in Belgium next academic year 2019/2020. All 5 of the students chose to study their second degree in Master in Management. Students […]

MIFA Double Degree selection results

ACCA presentation for MIFA students

The ACCA representative Mr. David Kopecký (Business Relationship Manager – Learning) presented the opportunities MIFA students have when applying for the ACCA programme. The accreditation that MIFA obtained for the programme is in the means of the Accelerate option that gives the best conditions a student can have. ACCA is a highly valued accreditation and […]

ACCA presentation for MIFA students

MIFA placed 4th at the Eduniversal Masters ranking 2018

MIFA programme was placed 4th at the Eduniversal Masters ranking for the year 2018 in the Eastern Europe region! The Master programme with its fourth year is getting every year its place at the international University rankings and each year the ranking is better. The programme has its second group of graduates with 80% successful rate […]

MIFA placed 4th at the Eduniversal Masters ranking 2018


Professional accreditation from ICAEW (The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales) is a benefit that many students can use in order to be a potential best professional in the field. Every academic year the students of the MIFA programme have a unique chance to meet and speak to the representative from ICAEW: Mrs. Joanna Szychowska Business Development […]