

Introduction into Health Economics ELECTIVE INTENSIVE SEMINAR

The department of Public Finance hosts a guest seminar by the Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Sydney, Australia Mrs. Olena Stavrunova. Every day from 9:15 – 12:30 The seminar is held in English The course is held between the days 11.9. – 13.9.2019 Registrations through Insis by the course […]

Introduction into Health Economics ELECTIVE INTENSIVE SEMINAR

Fintech and Blockchain seminar

Department of banking and insurace is hosting a short-term course on the topic FINTECH and BLOCKCHAIN held by Dr. Gonul Colak Date and room number: 3.6.-5.6.2019 room number SB212 (9: 15-12: 30, 14: 30-16) Identification code of course:  1BP570 The course is held in English   For registration please contact the MIFA coordinator

Fintech and Blockchain seminar

Graduation ceremony

Graduation ceremony for MIFA students finishing the programme in the winter semester 2018 is held: 29.3.2019 from 11:00 Vencovského aula at University of Economics, Prague

Graduation ceremony

ICAEW Student Scheme at MIFA 20.3.2019

Because of the received accreditation of the ICAEW – MIFA students have a unique opportunity to come and learn more about the ICAEW Student Scheme  20.3.2019 from 18:00 NB 456 All students at university – no matter what course they are studying or where they are – are able to join ICAEW’s Student Scheme (USS). This […]

ICAEW Student Scheme at MIFA 20.3.2019