
Videos from MIFA webinar and Open day are online

If you have doubts about the MIFA programme study curricula, profiles of graduates and admissions requirements and you have missed the MIFA webinar and the Open Day online streaming, you can still watch the videos. They are available here: MIFA webinar  

Videos from MIFA webinar and Open day are online

ICAEW presentation and registration for MIFA students on April 12th, 2021

MIFA students are invited to a meeting with the ICAEW (Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales) Business Development Manager for Central and Eastern Europe. The ICAEW chartered accountancy qualification, the ACA, is one of the most advanced learning and professional development programmes available. It has integrated components which give students an in-depth understanding […]

ICAEW presentation and registration for MIFA students on April 12th, 2021

Extraordinary measure of Rector – entry of students to VŠE campus in Žižkov from April 1, 2021

With effect from March 17, 2021, entry to the VŠE premises is permitted only to persons who prove negative results of the antigen test for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 virus or the RT-PCR test for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 virus. Students can use public testing centres for free. Students may enter the VŠE campus only in justified […]

Extraordinary measure of Rector – entry of students to VŠE campus in Žižkov from April 1, 2021

MIFA Webinar on March 31st, 2021 from 3.00 pm. JOIN US

Join our webinars where you can virtually meet with us. We will answer all of your questions about study curricula, the profile of graduates and admissions requirements. MIFA programme webinar will take place on March 31st, 2021 from 15:00 till 16:00 CET. Registration is available here: Webinars of international degree programmes The video from the […]

MIFA Webinar on March 31st, 2021 from 3.00 pm. JOIN US

ACCA online presentation for MIFA students on March 15th, 2021

On March 15th, 2021, MIFA students will have a chance to attend the online  presentation of ACCA  and discuss with the ACCA representative the international accreditation and their options to register for the programme.

ACCA online presentation for MIFA students on March 15th, 2021

MIFA at the CFA Research Challenge 2021

Every year the Faculty of Finance and Accoutning cooperates with the CFA Society Czech Republic and students have a unique chance to take part in the CFA Research Challlenge. We are proud that MIFA students actively participate in the Challenge and every year they end up at one of the top three places.   Congratulations […]

MIFA at the CFA Research Challenge 2021

Teaching regime in the summer semester of the academic year 2020/21

Based on the current epidemiological situation and with regard to the fact that its significant improvement cannot be expected until the beginning of the summer semester, the Rector of VŠE decided in agreement with the Deans of faculties that teaching in bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degree programmes in the summer semester will begin in a distance […]

Teaching regime in the summer semester of the academic year 2020/21

OPEN DAY MARCH 3rd, 2021

We would like to invite you to attend the Open Day of MIFA programme that will  be held on Wednesday, March 3rd, 2021. More  information is available on:  

OPEN DAY MARCH 3rd, 2021

INTERNATIONAL DAY 21st January 2021

Invitation to INTERNATIONAL DAY: on Thursday 21st  January, 2021 Short presentations of International week courses from all guest professors in International day. Program of INTERNATIONAL DAY: 10:00 – welcome words –  Petr Doucek (Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Informatics and Statistics) and Marcela Zárybnická Žárová (Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Finance and Accounting) 10:10 – M.Pankowska – […]

INTERNATIONAL DAY  21st  January 2021

International Week 2021

The International Week 2021 (I-Week 2021) will take place from Monday 18th January till Thursday 21st January 2021. The I-Week will be organised by the Faculty of Informatics and Statistics (FIS) and the Faculty of Finance and Accounting (FFA). All courses are elective intensive courses for 3 ECTS credits, taught by guest professors from our partner universities and […]

International Week 2021